Dr Darrin Morgan is from FIRIS - Fairness In Religion In Schools. His talk will focus on religious instruction in NSW public schools in the context of international human rights and the machinations of elements of the scripture lobby which are aimed at dismissing the rights of parents/caregivers with non-religious belief systems.
Unlike NSW, Victoria has succeeded in removing the perniciousness of scripture.
Entry to this event will be $5.00 for supporter members of Sydney Atheists and $10.00 for non-supporter attendees. Annual Supporter membership is only $20. To become a supporter member, please go to: http://www.sydneyatheists.org/p/donations-and-membership.html
This talk will be held from 7.00 to 9.00pm Friday 12th of October at the Function Room
Club Redfern:
2nd Floor, 159 Redfern St
RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/sydneyatheists/events/cckkxnyxnbqb/